“If 2020 was a car, what was it?” We asked, and here are your answers


Before the end of the 2020 Dirty-Diaper Dumpster Fire, we asked Mani Twitter friends: “If it’s a 2020 car, what is it?” Responses range from blind to clear, to subtle shades of shadow. Some of you have kept up to date with current events in the automotive industry, while others have dug deeper into the smelly anniversaries of automotive history. For those who have dug their own memes with Google Image Search, Gifi or Photoshop, we salute you. Everyone else, enjoy scrolling through these options from replies – this includes amazing three-wheelers.

From the “clear yet 100 percent correct” section there are references to Pontiac Aztec, Ford Pinto, AMC Gremlin, Ford’s Edsel and Yugo.

If you use stock market performance as a measure of success, there is no arguing that Tesla has an amazing 2020. Not so much for competitor Nicola, the wild growth, fall and possible / potential death that we have documented over the past few months. You guys are clearly paying attention.

Some of the catchy images scraped from the internet include these “Forrester”, “Camry” and “BMW” and many GIFs.

Didn’t leave Detroit A lot of shade was thrown at sedans from the-90s and 00s.

MotorTrend Senior editor Christian Seabag also had a lot of fun, and his choice was not a car at all, but you are well aware of the new category of Amazon vehicles. He explained: “The good thing about the Ford Transit / Mercedes Sprinter / Ram Pro Master: 2020 is that these things keep appearing in my house and I don’t have to go out because things are left out. Plus they’ve been working normally since the epidemic started.”

Thinking a few more outside:

Dale also set up the infamous 70s three-wheeler from the twentieth-century motor car corporation.

We agree with Reliance Robin’s reference to the BBC’s infamous (and wrapped) vehicle Top gear. (Shameless Plug Warning: If you are a MotorTrend OnDemand subscriber, you can watch the episode right here.)

Of course, the list of destructive cars is not complete without screen icons. Bloodthirsty, Continuous 1958 Plymouth Fury Famous Stephen Kings Christine, A comparison with this Annus Horibilis.

And all the time spent at home, why not stay at #SafeArthhome and drive Homer?

But perhaps the best answer is not the car. After all, cars are great and even the worst can beat the walk.

Long time no see, 2020. Welcome, 2021. and Happy New Year to all of you.

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